Movie: Greyhound (2020)

Set during World War II, “Greyhound” follows Ernest Krause (Tom Hanks), a newly promoted U.S. Navy commander, as he leads his first wartime mission: protecting a convoy of 37 Allied ships across the treacherous North Atlantic. The convoy must pass through the Mid-Atlantic gap, where they are out of range of air cover and vulnerable to German U-boats.

Krause, commanding the destroyer USS Keeling, codenamed Greyhound, faces a relentless and deadly game of cat and mouse as German submarines, known as the “Wolfpack,” hunt the convoy. Despite limited experience, Krause must navigate the harrowing journey, making life-and-death decisions under intense pressure. He grapples with fatigue, isolation, and self-doubt while striving to keep his crew focused and determined.

The film is a gripping portrayal of naval warfare, emphasizing themes of leadership, duty, and perseverance amidst the chaos and danger of battle. It showcases Krause’s resolve and tactical acumen as he battles the enemy and the elements to fulfill his mission and safeguard the lives of those under his command.

Trailer movie:

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